Bring a preferred shirt for you to keep -or- select one from what is available at the time in store.
The shirt for the Woodland Manor nursing home resident/staff may be brought if you would like or one will be provided.
You will design two shirts – one for you to keep and one for a resident at Woodland Manor nursing home.
Line drawings are easiest (with larger gap spaces between lines) as the water/bleach will likely bleed varying the width of the lines. Feel free to bring in a design idea for your shirt(s) or use an example provided.
By purchasing you agree and understand your, and/or, gifted reserved spot person the following responsibilities: We will use bleach and chalk during this event – 1. wear clothes that are ok if there is an ‘oops’ moment, 2. assume all risks and responsibilities during and after participation that may occur and hold any and all persons and property owners harmless 3. age 16 or older at time of event (guardian must sign waiver for anyone less than 18), 4. failure to follow any directions given in use of materials will result in immediate dismissal of event with costs and materials associated forfeited, 5. be kind to all